FDPW courses

FDPW provides creative opportunities for adults and artists in a range of courses in various printmaking disciplines. Suitable for all abilities to participate in fine art printmaking.

Colour Mixing Workshop

Colour Mixing Workshop

One day course - February 8th 2025, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Tutor - Babs Pease

On this one day course you’ll learn how to mix any colour using only four pigments - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Tutor Babs Pease is a Master Printmaker who exhibits widely in the UK and regularly carries out commissions for major UK art galleries and retailers.

We’ll be using Caligo Safe Wash relief printmaking inks manufactured by Cranfield. These are oil-based artist quality relief printmaking inks for non-toxic printmaking that can be washed away with liquid soap and cold water.

All inks, tools, paper and use of equipment are included in the price. Tea and coffee provided. Please bring a packed lunch.

Cost: £85.00 and £75.00 for workshop members

To register interest in this workshop please email courses@fifedunfermlineprintmakers.org

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Lino cutting Workshop
to 26 Jan

Lino cutting Workshop

Saturday 25 January 2025 and Sunday 26 January 2025 - 10.00am to 4.00pm

Tutor - Babs Pease

Over the two days of the course participants will be introduced to methods of designing, cutting and printing with lino blocks. The course tutor is Master Printmaker Babs Pease who exhibits widely throughout the UK and has completed several commissions for leading UK art galleries and retailers.

On the course you'll be supplied with two pieces of A5 lino, lots of paper, ink, the use of lino-cutting tools and use our lovely Imperial Press.

All basic materials and use of equipment are included, tea and coffee provided. Please bring a packed lunch

Cost: £150 non-members, £125 for workshop members

Maximum 6 people

To register your interest email: courses@fifedunfermlineprintmakers.org

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to 26 Feb


Tutor: Gillian Murray

Weekend in February 25th – 26th, !0.00a.m. till 4.00p.m.


Collagraph printmaking is a technique that uses simple materials to produce sophisticated textured prints. It is a great way for a beginner to learn about printmaking and for the experienced to try out and develop a different way of working.

Participants need to bring: work clothes and thin rubber gloves – this is a hands-on, practical course you should expect to get dirty!

Also bring ideas (sketch books etc) and a range of textured source materials. Some materials will be supplied but it helps to have some of your own eg. textured wallpaper scraps, paper doilies, thin card, mount card, tissue, feathers, lace, seed heads, corrugated cardboard, netting, foil etc

All basic materials and use of equipment are included, tea and coffee provided but you should bring a packed lunch.


Cost £110 members, £120 non-members

Max of 7 people

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to 15 Jan


Tutor Babs Pease

January 14th-15th 10.00am - 4.00pm

Cutting images into linoleum and inking up with colour can produce bold and dramatic effects. Explore the diverse range of ways which artists use this direct process. The image size wil be a maximum size of A5, bring a sketch or digital printout.

Bring some photos, sketches or other visual information to work from if you wish.

All basic materials and use of equipment are included, tea and coffee provided but you should bring a packed lunch.


Cost £110 members, £120 non-members

To reserve your place full payment must be made by by Jan 2nd.

Maximum 6 people

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Tutor Gillian Murray

Saturday 3rd Dec, 10.00am – 5.00pm

Learn the basics including preparation of screens, using a range of photographic and direct mark-making techniques and working with stencils.

Bring some photos, sketches or other visual information to work from if you wish.

All basic materials and use of equipment are included, tea and coffee provided but you should bring a packed lunch.


Cost £80 members, £90 non-members

To reserve your place full payment must be made by by Nov 21st.

Maximum 6 people

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Linocutting weekend
to 12 Jun

Linocutting weekend

This is a provisional date.

This course will be led by a master printmaker who will take you through the process of designing, cutting and printing your own block using our Imperial Press.

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One Day Cyanotype Course with Leena Nammari

One Day Cyanotype Course with Leena Nammari

You will use glorious blueprint chemicals to create magical prints that will make you addicted to the process. We will be using photocopies, images from photos, and plant materials, feathers, hand drawn transparencies. Learn to mix your own chemicals and coat your own papers, finding the joy of this incredibly accessible process. We will break for lunch while the sun does its work.

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Payment needs to be made in full either on booking or as requested by Fife Dunfermline Print Workshop. Either way, all payments must be made at least two weeks before the workshop commences, otherwise we reserve the right to offer the place to someone else.

Minimum numbers are required to run each workshop. This can vary depending on the activity being offered. Should there be fewer than the required numbers, the workshop or class will be cancelled with 5 days notice and you will receive a full refund.

If you have booked and paid for a place but for some unforeseen reason are unable to attend, you will receive a refund in full provided a replacement can be found. Sorry, but there is no refund if you cannot make the workshop and a replacement cannot be found.

“Thank you so much, I had no idea I could learn so much in one weekend.  I tried soft ground etching for the first time and I’m over the moon with the result.”

—Jane Paterson, Artist